Meta info
Data: 10/01/2025
Tematika: PMPC 2025, January meeting
Prezenca: @redonskikuli, @dorencalliku, @flowrivers, @irdiismaili, @kristicunga
- Draft: Materiali për digjitalizim nëpërmjet PMPC
- V1 - @dorencalliku - done
- V2:
- problematikat
- pmpc ne vende te tjera
- @dorencalliku @irdiismaili
- press release (blog post anouncing the project) @redonskikuli
- to be redirected to a shorter URL @(something like
- design for promo materials:
- use previous materials we have already used?
- @kristicunga @redonskikuli
- contacting political parties list:
- @esi will gather the contacts from previous campaigns
- check the archived wiki located at Public Money Public Code Albania
- contacting political parties templates for emails: @esi to review
- makes sense to send it earliest @esi
Takime me FSFE
- copyright issues:
- Do we need to cite who owns the copyright of the campaign? @irdiismaili
- promo materials:
- @irdiismaili and @dorencalliku will contact FSFE for
- (a) informing about the fact that we are working on the campaign. We need to prepare a draft for the forum.
- (b) getting stickers and explaining why we don’t have them (OL story etc)
- (c) asking permission to add their logo.
- meetup @ Brussels with FSFE - FOSDEM time
- @irdiismaili @redonskikuli to check what event is this on Friday
Tone of Voice
- demanding this change or asking to expose their approach?
- @irdiismaili proposed to be ‘demanding’.