Mastodon për fillestarë: mars 2025

Gjatë aktivitetit të parë që organizuam @kristicunga propozoi që aktiviteti i rradhës të ketë fokus në Mastodon. Po e hap këtë thread (shpreja e saktë në shqip?) për të organizuar bashkarisht aktivitetin e rradhës.

Data dhe ora e propozuar nga unë: e shtunë 08.03.2025 @ 11.00. Për t’u përgatitur:

  • titulli i saktë i aktivitetit
  • përshkrimi i aktivitetit
  • blog post me detaje
  • të tjera?

Si mendon Kristi?


Tingëllon mirë. Let’s confirm the content and the date (shtunë 08.03.2025), I can write to the people from the embassy to see if the Kub is available (probably) if you want (or it can be someone else :slight_smile: ).

8th of March will probably have protests around and activities for Women Day. Instead of Mastodon, maybe something connected to Women Day could be organized or push the date at least a week.

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We can host another edition of Women Architects @ SQ Wikipedia edit-a-thon.


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Good points. Theme sounds good. Maybe we need to pick another date for the mastodon idea then ? @kristicunga

Im up for it but im not sure on the time. We still do not know the time of the protests. We risk to not have any participants.

I think that 8th of March is a day dedicated to protests a panels. So I’d propose 15th of March for Mastodon. Is it fine for you?

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This is a good argument too

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Sounds good. @kristicunga do you think that you can write a short description of the activity for the Mastodon event on the 15/03 so I can transfer it to Kub people ?

FYI: On Saturday at 11:00 is the 8th of March protest.

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Folks I think we should skip this. There is not enough time to contact the venue right now and promotion has not even started.



Për pak më shumë kontekst, ky propozim që thotë @redonskikuli edhe nga një biseda që bëmë dje rreth eventit për Mastodonin. Për më shumë, mund të shikoni këtë diskutimin tjetër.